Thursday, 10 March 2011

Error_Solution_Tips in Linux

Case 1:

file /sbin/fsck.ext4 from install of e2fsprogs-1.41.10.sun2-0redhat.x86_64 conflicts with file from package e4fsprogs-1.41.9-3.el5.x86_64


(to uninstall conflicts file package) rpm -e e4fsprogs-1.41.9-3.el5.x86_64

Case 2:Vncviewer


vncviewer unable to open display


remote loging:

ssh -X ipaddress


vncviewer :(assigningnumber)

How to Configure MODEM in Linux server

Step 1:

                             wvdialconf /etc/wvdial.conf

Step 2:

                             Edit     vi /etc/wvdial.conf

Step 3:

                           # Add

                           Init3 = AT+CRM=1
                           Stupid Mode = 1
                           Phone = user defined(static)
                           Username = user  name
                           Password = user password

Step 4:

                           wvdail (open terminal run not close)

Step 5:

                           cp /etc/ppp/resolv.conf /etc

                                                         overwrite that in next terminal

Step 6:

                          Run the modem with no proxy setup

That the installation of MODEM in Linux Server has to be Configured.

Tuesday, 8 March 2011

Set Banner in Linux when Login

To add a warning banner to SSH, create a banner first:
Step 1: cd /etc/ssh/

Step 2: ssh-banner

Step 3:  Type in the Warning message you want such as the one below, then
              save the file.

                                           Murugayen Banner

Step 4 :   After creating the banner file, edit the ssh configuration file

                                     $ vi sshd_config

Step 5:    Look for the part below on sshd_config

                           # no default banner path
                           #Banner /path/banner file

Step 6:     And change it to

                        # no default banner path
                        Banner /etc/ssh/ssh-banner

                      Note:           Save the file then restart SSH

Step 7:    /etc/init.d/ssh restart

                       Whoo next time you login you should see something like the  screenshot below.

This is my First Post

Steps to create ssh log in without password:

Step  1.   ssh-keygen -t dsa(rsa)

Step  2. when ssh-keygen asks for a passphrase, just hit enter.

Step  3. cd ~/.ssh

Step  4. scp as name of authorized_keys

Step  5: Login to remote System